
As I was drawing today I realized how similar bears and rhinos are shaped. I'd probably rather be a bear though because they can walk on their hind legs, play football well, and don't have clumsy horns.
That's all for today, the weekend is here and there probably won't be an update til monday. But I will have art to post, because this weekend I'm going to start working for Inspector Owl's new cd cover. Niiice.
I think I'd want to be a rhino, but I don't think they can roar. It wouldn't be fitting if I couldn't roar. On second thought, RAWRRRRRRRRR, BEAR FORM!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I'd be a bear.
I too would want to be a bear, but only so i could scratch my back on tree trunks and have an unhealthy obsession with honey.
Great work Matt! Thanks for sharing your talents with us. I love it and will keep watching. Unfortunately your grandma is somewhat electronically challenged. Had to check with your dad to find how to let you know of my excitement about the new blog!
Love, Grandma
Matt, Which do you think would win, a bear or a rhino? I say Bear, especially if the Ryno is of the Cub variety. xo mom
Rhino, Cub, Cardinal?
Cardinals, of course!
oxoxox AJ
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