Thursday, October 26, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
My wrist hurts.

I once heard the saying that you have to draw a thousand shit drawings before you get to a good one. Well, I sure knocked a few off tonight. The robot number is a quickie for IO. They gave me a lot of creative freedom with this project. They told me that they would like a darker color scheme, and Corey likes robots. Yeah, alot of room :D. The cd is called Life Finds a Way and the theme of the cd is along the lines of waking up one day and realizing you are an adult and being hurled into the world. So the robot in a suit illustrates the fear of becoming a mindless robot and being a tool of the man. SCREW the MAN, man.

Yeah, it was a bad night. I'll give fish another shot soon.
Friday, October 20, 2006

As I was drawing today I realized how similar bears and rhinos are shaped. I'd probably rather be a bear though because they can walk on their hind legs, play football well, and don't have clumsy horns.
That's all for today, the weekend is here and there probably won't be an update til monday. But I will have art to post, because this weekend I'm going to start working for Inspector Owl's new cd cover. Niiice.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hello and welcome to my sketch blog! My new years resolution was going to be to start a blog for where I can post everday doodles, whether they are finished or not. I'm feeling like such an overachiever, I'm starting 2 months early :D You can check out my main site at